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  • Why do you want to return or exchange the products? Do you buy excessively and would like us to sell them for you? Or do you want to exchange for some products that you haven’t bought before? If it’s for the former reason, it takes us some time to do this. If it’s for the latter reason, we have a limitation to the quantity of new products you’d like to buy.

  • There is a big difference between the width of regular products and that of the stock. If our customers place orders then we have products of regular widths, if not then we don’t have them. Which width do you need? Let me confirm it for you.

  • Flag fabrics are normally used outdoor. The time we suggest is 3 months. If the customer says the time is too short, you can answer generally our customers will change them after 3 months because it is advertising. Of course there are customers who say they use them for a year.

  • Whether they are expensive or not is relative. In fact we don’t produce mediocre products because they don’t have a lower limit. If we produce according to mediocre standard, we can give you a lower price. However, the quality of after-sale service can’t be guaranteed. Of course there are a lot of customers who use our second-grade or third-grade products saying that these products are far better ...